Second day of the cool people in Lodz, only DAY. Since it would be their last day, we went to see the best of the city, which is, the Piotrkowska street, and Manufaktura.
Piotrkowska Street
As Vilaça stated in Facebook, and ok, I'll give him that, was somehow funny, but expected... oh, K is not from Kvetras, but........
n of Nn onounon of Nuno n of Nuno, n of Nunonunon of Nunon of K of Karlos, n of NunNuno R of Rita with a heart!Only Love! ;)
n of Nn onounon of Nuno n of Nuno, n of Nunonunon of Nunon of K of Karlos, n of NunNuno R of Rita with a heart!Only Love! ;)
Who's the queen of the day? :D
I Wonder how many pictures this throne has? Everybody takes these pictures!
As we wanted to play some Bowling and we had to wait for one hour and a half, we decided, let's have a "gelaite".
After having a nice day, we ended up shopping for the dinner, and night. Of course the most important thing was this 15 pack of 0.66l. :) For those who know Lodz, I took it from Manufaktura 'till 9th dorm! And keep in mind that the gate is closed, so I had to enter through Wóscznaska! :P But i got the 15 pack just for me!!! WEEEEEEE. Ok ok, not just for me... but some of it was just for me!! :D
3 comentários:
E pronto, mais uma vez pára nas suas figurinhas, mas quem é que no seu perfeito juízo faz o pino numas letras no meio da rua? Anyway... keep it up, conquista a polónia pra Portugal e da um abraço ao ti Vetras (embora tenha estado com ele há menos tempo que contigo, lol)
ah grande paroso! Aqui em Ostrava o trio maravilha delirou com os teus posts magnificos!
até uma próxima !!
ps: "stay tuned" not toon.
super post :D ti vetras a curtir como deve ser, pelo menos uma vez durante o seu erasmus :D hehehe
Lodz é boa terra :D
PS-mesmo assim, a cena mais fixe do blog do paraquedista continua a ser a widget com a evolução do preço do crude :D
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