domingo, 10 de maio de 2009

Kasia's quest!

This is gonna be a small post. But a very very funny one! So before pasting here the picture I must tell you the story.

A few months ago, my dear Kasia went to Spain to study, and I was very sad with that cuz I like her this muuuuuch. :D
So some time later I proposed her a quest. To make a special picture for me. Something to do with me or my name or whatever. . .
I was far from expecting what she would do.... and below you can see the result! :D ahahahah

Picture taken in Porto's city center!
My dear Kasia... you are crazy! :D

Big Kiss!!!!!

2 comentários:

Kasia disse...

Missão cumprida Nuno! :D

karioka disse...

HAHAH wonderfull!

Are you also on our street_bike_drawing_ picture competition?